Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Kitchen Table Update

I have now waxed my table which will protect the wood and brings out the colour.  I don't think these photos show it brilliantly though.

I also received a little parcel in the post today from a guy who I've become friends with recently through a common interest in dolls houses and wood turning.  Some of you from the dolls house forum will know who I'm talking about but for others, he's been stunning us recently with his miniature turnings of vases and kitchen items and has been getting a few commissions as a result.  Mine being on of them.
For anyone interested this is his shop on Etsy (Marketplace for handmade items):

He has made me a traditional Georgian mortar & pestle.  We found a photo (very limited information available) and he's made a miniature copy of it for me.
I thought I would share the photo of it in situ in my kitchen and also on the waxed table.

Table Unwaxed


  1. Mick really does amazing work, doesn't he. I am still beaming when I look at my mortar and pestle (which I prefer to yours :P)
    Your table is looking lovely with the waxed finish, so much warmer. I'll look forward to your dresser. :)

  2. La mesa ha quedado muy bonita,me gusta mucho el tacto de la madera encerada

  3. "The table is very nice, I like the feel of polished wood."

    Thank you sagrario. I also love the feel of polished wood. So silky.
    Unfortunately I didn't do Spanish at school so I had to translate it via Google!
